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Sports Club - The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
Kroc Center Lunch-Time Basketball Monday through Friday between 11am-1pm and Mondays 6pm-9pm Full-court basketball pick-up games More Info

Free Meals Daily - GLIDE

San Francisco
Full meals offered to adults, people under the age of 18 and senior persons. More Info

Horizons at the San Francisco Friends School

San Francisco
Horizons at SFFS Summer Enrichment Program More Info

Newcomer Club (NCC) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
The Newcomer Club is an intensive program that supports a newcomer youths’ social, emotional, and family relationships while unpacking what it means to live in America. More Info

Recovery Circle - GLIDE

San Francisco
GLIDE provides drop-in groups to discuss topics centered around recovery, build relationships with others in recovery and support. More Info

The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
A bilingual, English/Spanish community center that provides activities for all ages including summer camps and after school activities for youth, a women's group, and a senior center that serves meals. More Info

Dining Room - St. Anthony's

San Francisco
Our Dining Room has always served more than a meal, functioning as a vital cultural space, where everyone is invited to come together in community.The Dining Room also hosts a weekly “Farmers Market.” More Info

Gymnasium - The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
A bilingual, English/Spanish community center that provides activities for all ages including summer camps and after school activities for youth, a women's group, and a senior center that serves meals. More Info