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Results 1 - 6 of 6



Free Meals Daily - GLIDE

San Francisco
Full meals offered to adults, people under the age of 18 and senior persons. More Info

Women on the Move Drop-In Support Groups - GLIDE

San Francisco
In our daily circles, we encourage women to reduce the harm of risky behaviors by taking incremental steps toward healthier life decisions and relationships. More Info

Gymnasium - The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
A bilingual, English/Spanish community center that provides activities for all ages including summer camps and after school activities for youth, a women's group, and a senior center that serves meals. More Info

Dining Room - St. Anthony's

San Francisco
Our Dining Room has always served more than a meal, functioning as a vital cultural space, where everyone is invited to come together in community.The Dining Room also hosts a weekly “Farmers Market.” More Info

Horizons at the San Francisco Friends School

San Francisco
Horizons at SFFS Summer Enrichment Program More Info

The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
A bilingual, English/Spanish community center that provides activities for all ages including summer camps and after school activities for youth, a women's group, and a senior center that serves meals. More Info