St. Anthony's
Business Details
In the spirit of the Gospel, inspired by the joy and compassion of Francis and Clare of Assisi, in solidarity with all who hunger and thirst for justice and peace, and together with those we serve, our mission is to feed, heal, shelter, clothe, lift the spirits of those in need, and create a society in which all persons flourish.
This mission is guided by five values: healing, community, personalism, justice, and gratitude.
We are committed to a healing ministry serving the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those who are poor. We are called to solidarity with the poor and seek to identify with those we serve, realizing that by sharing in the healing of others, we too are healed.
We seek to be an integral part of the community we serve. We invite participation in decision-making by those whose lives are affected, so that all may realize, develop and share their gifts for the good of the community. We strive to promote an atmosphere of openness, trust, and relationship, and to foster a spirit of respect for the gifts and needs of all persons.
We seek to honor diversity and treat all people with dignity and respect. We recognize that each person is worthy and valued simply by being. We seek simplicity and flexibility in our operations, and cherish our relationships with one another.
We seek ways to eliminate injustice and to educate and empower people so that all may claim their rights in society. We believe we have a prophetic role to play in addressing the power structures of society, and seek to be advocates for and with people who are poor, disadvantaged, and outcast. We strive to work toward a society in which the world’s abundant resources are made available to all according to need.
We celebrate the wonder of life and beauty of creation. We work to be good stewards of all the gifts given to us. We are committed to expressing our joy and gratitude to God and to all who join us in our work.
About St. Anthony's
Seven decades ago, Franciscan Friar Fr. Alfred Boeddeker had a vision of uniting vulnerable populations in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood.
His vision became a reality on October 4, 1950 as he opened the doors of St. Anthony’s Dining Room. The first day our Dining Room opened, Fr. Alfred expected to serve 150 meals to low-income and homeless Guests. He ended up serving 400.
This day marked the beginning of an era – one in which all individuals could come together, enjoy a hot, nutritious meal, and be part of a loving community.
Today, we continue to thrive on serving hope daily and providing essential support to our Guests in need. We bring people together in this work because we know it takes a community to break down barriers and create a society where all people flourish. Find out how you can help.
St. Anthony's