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Results 1 - 9 of 9



Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults - Friendship House Association of American Indians

San Francisco
Clients become residents in their 80-bed residential facility in San Francisco for up to 6 months. More Info

Recovery Circle - GLIDE

San Francisco
GLIDE provides drop-in groups to discuss topics centered around recovery, build relationships with others in recovery and support. More Info

Friendship House Association of American Indians

San Francisco
Friendship House Association of American Indians, Inc. of San Francisco is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community-based organization that provides residential substance abuse treatment for American Indians. More Info

Felton Institute

San Francisco
Felton Institute offers a wide range of social services to children and adults. Felton Institute serves clients throughout the city and county of San Francisco and has multiple office locations. More Info

Youth Program - Friendship House Association of American Indians

San Francisco
The youth center provides American Indian youth, ages 8–24, with a broad range of activities and services that help instill cultural pride, academic success, and resilience in the presence of violence and substance abuse at home. More Info

St. Anthony's

San Francisco
St. Anthony's is committed to a healing ministry serving the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those who are poor. This mission is guided by five values: healing, community, personalism, justice, and gratitude. More Info

Women With Children & Expectant Mothers - Friendship House Association of American Indians

San Francisco
All female clients with children ages 0–5 become residents at their Women's Lodge in Oakland, CA for up to one year. More Info

Harm Reduction Services - GLIDE

San Francisco
Harm reduction is comprised of a range of public health strategies designed to lessen the negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. More Info

SKILL Program - Health Initiatives for Youth

San Francisco
Aimed at high-school age at-risk youth in the Bay Area, SKILL is a 10-12 session trauma-aware afterschool program that engages participants in real conversations about their lives, relationships, emotions, and risk. More Info