Haight Street Referral Center - Larkin Street Youth

- 134 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco , San Francisco County 94102
- https://larkinstreetyouth.org/get-help/drop-in-centers/
Larkin Street Youth Services has a drop-in center on Haight Street that helps improve lives and self-sufficiency by providing a variety of services, including the following:
- Meals
- Hygiene supplies
- Peer groups
- Case management
- Individual and group counseling
- Referrals
Young homeless people
Open Hours
Monday to Friday: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Service Contact information
Phone number: 415-673-0911 ext.470
Address: 1317 Haight St., San Francisco, CA 94117
Haight Street Referral Center: (415) 660-7490 drop-in ext. 470 office ext. 471
Health Records / Prescriptions: (415) 749-1032
Diamond Youth Shelter: (800) 669-6196
Lark-Inn Shelter: (800) 447-8223
Voice: (415) 673-0911
Haight Street Referral Center - Larkin Street Youth
Larkin Street Youth Services